You are currently viewing ICAI CA Final, Inter Result to be Declared Soon; Steps to Check

Tomorrow, July 5, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is expected to release the CA intermediate and final results. CA results in 2023 will be released for the ICAI inter and final exams, which were held in May. Candidates can view their ICAI CA intermediate and final results by signing in to the official website — — using their roll numbers and registration numbers.

ICAI CA Final, Inter Result to be Declared Soon


  • Conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
  • Also Known As ICAI
  • Name of Exam CA Inter Exam
  • Category Result
  • Official website


In the official news release, the ICAI advises that applicants must visit the website to view their results. The message also informs users that they must enter their registration number and roll number to obtain the results.

How to Check the ICAI CA Inter Final Exam Result?

  • Visit the website 2023.
  • On the homepage, click the ICAI 2023 result link.
  • Log in with the necessary credentials.
  • CA inter and final result scorecards can be submitted and downloaded.

Criteria for Passing

A candidate will be certified passed if he or she achieves a minimum of 40% in each subject and a total of 50% in all subjects. To qualify for the CA finals, a candidate must receive 40 points for each paper, 200 points in one group, and 400 points in both groups.

Story first published: Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 10:31 [IST]

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