OSSC CHS Recruitment 2023 plans to fill 354 jobs across the board. In the section below, interested applicants can download the OSSC CHS notification PDF and learn crucial dates, application links, and additional information.

- Organization Name Odisha Staff Selection Commission
- Post Names Weaving Supervisor, Soil Conservation Extension Worker, Technical Assistant, Amin
- Exam Name Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) or Equivalent Recruitment Examination for Group B, Group C Specialist Posts/ Services
- No.of Vacancy 354 Posts
- Application Starting Date 27th June 2023
- Application Closing Date 26th July 2023
- Official Website ossc.gov.in
OSSC CHS Recruitment could be exactly what you’re looking for. The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is now accepting applications for positions at the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL). This recruiting campaign provides an excellent opportunity to work with the government and earn vital experience. The online OSSC CHS Recruitment procedure is simple, and candidates are encouraged to apply early to prevent missing out on this chance. T
How to Apply?
- Visit the OSSC’s official website. On the site, look for the “What’s New” section.
- Find the notification for the Combined Higher Secondary Exam-2023.
- Download and completely review the detailed recruiting notification.
- Then, click the Apply Online button and enter your information.
- Upload the relevant documents and pay the application cost.
- Finally, please submit your application and print it for future reference.
Application Fees
- General ₹500/-
- SC/ST/PWD ₹350/-
- PH ₹250/-
Salary Details
- Weaving Supervisor (Provisional) Level-9 35,400-1,12,400
- Soil Conservation Extension Worker Level-5 21,700-69,100
- Technical Assistant (Provisional) Level-4 19,900-63,200
- Amin Level-3 18,000-56,900
- Amin Level-3 18,000-56,900
Story first published: Friday, June 30, 2023, 15:19 [IST]
#OSSC #CHS #Recruitment #Vacancies