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आल इंडिया इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल साइंसेज

Nursing Officer (B.Sc, Diploma) in All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi Recruitment


Nursing Officer (B.Sc, Diploma)


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All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Ansari Nagar, New Delhi , Delhi  110 608


a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/state Nursing council recognized Institute or University OR B.Sc. (Post-Certificate) / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute/ University. b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife with State / Indian Nursing Council OR II a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute / Board or Council b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife in State / Indian Nursing Council.


18-30 Years


Two Years’ Experience in a minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification mentioned above as applicable for all Participating AIIMS. The required two years of experience as in above is an essential criterion, and to be valid, the experience shall be acquired after obtaining Essential Qualification, i.e. after completing the residency period of the course, declaration of result & registration with the State/Indian Nursing Council.

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Interested Candidates Can apply Last Date – 25/08/2023


1. The posts carry the usual allowance as admissible to Central Government Servants of similar status stationed at respective cities of respective Institutes/Hospitals. 2. The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The Online applications can be done through the website from 05.08.2023 to 25.08.2023 upto 5:00 P.M. No documents, including the Registration Slip of the online application form, are required to be sent in Physical form. However, all the applicants are advised to keep a copy of the registration slips with them, along with proof of payment, for their records. Correction in registration will not be considered through any mode i.e. Email/letter. Hence candidates are advised to fill their registration form carefully as no correction will be allowed after specified dates as per the procedure. 3. Correction/edit of Registration: For candidates requiring correction in Registration & Basic candidate information OR Completion of application form, the edit panel will be available from 26.08.2023 to 28.08.2023 only after closing of online registration. It may kindly be noted that the editing shall be done only by the candidate. The candidate will be responsible for all corrections. No corrections are allowed after the allowed period of editing i.e.28.08.2023 by 05:00 pm. Applicants may note that further correspondence will NOT be entertained in this regard.Categories from SC/ST to UR/OBC/EWS cannot be corrected once registration fees are submitted. Candidature will be cancelled in case found incorrect information at any stage of recruitment. The edit window is not an extension of the date, and the last date of online registration as published shall be treated as the last/closing date for all recruitment purposes under this NORCET unless explicitly mentioned for any requirement for the conduct of NORCET. 4. The On-line portal for application will be closed by 05:00 PM on 25.08.2023. The candidature of applicants who fail to complete the online application by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. However, those who have paid the examination fee by the closing date may be allowed to edit during the opening of the edit panel.




Official Website Document

Nursing Officer  Various Last Date – 25 August 2023  ( Delhi) All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) recruits Nursing Officer  posts. B.Sc, Diploma Experienced Candidate can apply.

AIIMS Recruitment – Scientist-I (Lab-Oncology) (CLOSED)

The institute has advertised one post (I ST) of Scientist-I (Lab-Oncology) to be filled on Direct Recruitment mode
vide advertisement No. 1-28/2021. The Preliminary screening of the applicants has been completed. As part of the
selection process, list of eligible and non-eligible candidates need to be uploaded on the institute website,
i.e. on the head -Notice- & “Recruitment” and on w‘k in this regard for
information/action of all concerned as per the following details.

Name of Post

Advertisement No.

Scientist-1 (Lab-Oncology)


Explanatory note regarding eligibility criteria for above posts. (Annexure-I)

Educational Qualification: M.Sc. 1st class in any branch of Life Sciences except Botany, Agriculture, Anthropology,
and Oceanography. Preference will be given to those possessing PhD.

List of candidates found eligible by the Screening Committee. (Annexure-II)

List of candidates round not eligible by the Screening Committee. (Annexure-III)

This may kindly be treated as MOST URGENT and the same may be published on the institute’s website by today


End: As above.


  • The Dean. Examination Section – with the request to upload the list of eligible and ineligible candidates.
  • The Professor-in-charge-Computer Facility – with the request to upload the list of eligible and ineligible

Inquiry Officer  Vacancy   Last Date – 11 August 2023  ( Delhi) All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) recruits Inquiry Officer  posts. Retired Staff Candidate   can apply.

Senior Research Fellow (Professional Degree, M.Sc)(CLOSED) in All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi Recruitment


Senior Research Fellow (Professional Degree, M.Sc)(CLOSED)

No of



Please check with the concern authority or website




All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar,  Delhi, New Delhi  110029


Post graduate degree in basic science and, a) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CS1R-UGC, NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b) The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and Institutions such as DST. DBT. DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, 1CAR, 1CMR, 11T, 11Se, USER etc. OR Graduate/Post- Graduate degree in professional course selected through process described through any one of the following: a) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CS1R-UGC. NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b) The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MFIRD, 1CAR,1CMR,IT, 11Sc,


Prior experience of working in an epilepsy based project. Prior experience of working in a multi centric project. Important:

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

I) Candidate should apply only if they are available for at least next 24 months. 2) Candidate may be required to travel and visit the research 19cation. , _




Official Website Document

Senior Research Fellow   Vacancy   Last Date – 19 January  2023  ( Delhi) All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) recruits Senior Research Fellow  posts. Professional Degree, M.Sc  Candidate   can apply.



About All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) – आल इंडिया इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल साइंसेज:

Creating a country imbued with a scientific culture was Jawaharlal Nehru’s dream, and immediately after independence, he prepared a grand design to achieve it. Among the temples of modern India which he designed, was a center of excellence in the medical sciences. Nehru’s dream was that such a centre would set the pace for medical education and research in Southeast Asia , and in this he had the wholehearted support of his Health Minister, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur. The health survey and development committee ,chaired by Sir Joseph Bhore, an Indian Civil Servant , had in 1946 already recommended the establishment of a national medical centre which would concentrate on meeting the need for highly qualified manpower to look after the nations expanding health care activities . The dreams of Nehru and Amrit Kaur and the recommendations of the Bhore Committee converged to create a proposal which found favor with the government of New Zealand. A generous grant from New Zealand under the Colombo Plan made it possible to lay the foundation stone of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in 1952.
Website Address:
Postal Address:Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Tel:+91-11-26588500 / 26588700
Fax:+91-11-26588663 / 26588641
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