The CRPF Constable Tradesman recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 9212 vacancies, with 9105 positions designated for male candidates and 107 for female candidates. Successful applicants will be compensated at the pay scale level-3, ranging from Rs 21,700 to Rs 69,100. The available posts include Bugler, Cook, Safai Karmachari, Driver, Barber, Washerman, Carpenter, and more.
Here;s How to Download the Admit Card
To download the admit card for the CRPF Constable Tradesman exam, candidates are required to follow these steps:
- Go to the official website rect.crpf.gov.in.
- On the homepage, locate and click on the “Constable Tradesman admit card” link.
- Enter your login credentials as requested and submit them.
- Verify the details on the admit card and proceed to download it.
- It is recommended to take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Candidates should note that the admit cards are being released in a phasewise manner. Therefore, it is important to regularly check the official website for updates and information regarding the availability of admit cards.
Story first published: Monday, June 26, 2023, 10:21 [IST]
#CRPF #Constable #Tradesman #Admit #Card #Recruitment #Drive