East Central Railway Recruitment For
Efficiency Inspector (Graduate) (CLOSED)
No of East Central Railway Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For East Central Railway Recruitment
East Central Railway Address
East Central Railway, Hajipur, Bihar 801507
Willing employee (except RPF/RPSF) should be working in Level-06 on regular basis and having Graduate in any discipline as on date of notification. Since this is an ex-cadre post, employees in level-05 and level-7 on regular basis having Graduate degree in any discipline as on date of notification, can also apply and his/her application will be considered only, if suitable candidates in the level-06 are not available. Should have basis computer knowledge preferably
Pay fixation on joining as Efficiency Inspector will be made as per extant rule. The posting in the above mentioned ex-cadre post will give him/her the benefit of drawing pay in the scale attached to the particular post on ex-cadre basis while holding th post. It does not amount to “Promotion” and hence there will be no benefit of pay fixation as done on promotion
The tenure of the posting as Efficiency Inspector on ex-cadre basis will be for a maximum period of 04 years. However, if the selected candidate does not come up to the standard required, he/she may be repatriated at any time to his/her parent department without assigning any reasons whatsoever at short notice.
How to
Apply For
East Central Railway
vacancy :
Application given by the candidates duly countersigned by their controlling officer should reach to concerned Personal Branch office by 15.12 .2020. 2. The application(s) should be scrutinized properly by associated Personal Branch with the service record to avoid any factual errors and future complication and should have the counter signature of the concerned „P‟ Branch officer. All the applications received by the controlling/Personal Branch should be sent in PDF form through e-office to reach Kishor Kumar OS/PERS/HQ/ECR/KRK, E.C. Railway Hajipur on or before 21.12.2020 Positively. 3. The application received from the employee directly at PCPO‟s Office without certification by the concerned Personnel Officer will be rejected. 4. Applications forwarded after the last date will not be entertained under any circumstances. Once the option exercise & finalized, No excuse will be entrained of any employee rewarding refusal on any ground & mandatory to join in this Cadre, if selected.
The lien will continue to be maintained in his/her substantive seniority unit in the concerned division/unit even after posting as Efficiency Inspector on ex-cadre basis. 2. The duties & responsibilities attached to the above excadre post would broadly include file and field work such as visiting different division and works to study manpower, and attend scheduled meeting at Railway Board & any other work assigned by the administration from time to time. 3. The period of service in the ex-cadre post, over and above the substantive grade/level will not be counted as qualifying service for any purpose whatsoever
Official Website Document
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