TEC, DoT & ICAR to host ITU/FAO Workshop on “Cultivating tomorrow: Advancing digital agriculture through IoT and AI“

TEC, DoT & ICAR to host ITU/FAO Workshop on “Cultivating tomorrow: Advancing digital agriculture through IoT and AI“ #TEC #DoT #amp #ICAR #host #ITUFAO #Workshop #Cultivating #tomorrow #Advancing #digital #agriculture…

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Endorsement of G20 Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains through DPI and G20 FIAP 2023 at the G20 Summit under Indian Presidency a pathbreaking achievement: Chanchal Sarkar, Advisor, DEA

Endorsement of G20 Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains through DPI and G20 FIAP 2023 at the G20 Summit under Indian Presidency a pathbreaking achievement: Chanchal Sarkar,…

Continue ReadingEndorsement of G20 Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains through DPI and G20 FIAP 2023 at the G20 Summit under Indian Presidency a pathbreaking achievement: Chanchal Sarkar, Advisor, DEA

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