CAQM comprehensively reviews sector specific preparedness of NCT of Delhi on the measures to be taken for prevention, control and abatement of pollution in the ensuing winter season

CAQM comprehensively reviews sector specific preparedness of NCT of Delhi on the measures to be taken for prevention, control and abatement of pollution in the ensuing winter season #CAQM #comprehensively…

Continue ReadingCAQM comprehensively reviews sector specific preparedness of NCT of Delhi on the measures to be taken for prevention, control and abatement of pollution in the ensuing winter season

Punjab submits State Action Plan and District-wise Action Plans for tackling the problem of stubble burning to the Commission (CAQM) for the current paddy harvesting season

Punjab submits State Action Plan and District-wise Action Plans for tackling the problem of stubble burning to the Commission (CAQM) for the current paddy harvesting season #Punjab #submits #State #Action…

Continue ReadingPunjab submits State Action Plan and District-wise Action Plans for tackling the problem of stubble burning to the Commission (CAQM) for the current paddy harvesting season

CAQM announces revision of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to further strengthen measures to combat sudden/ anticipated deterioration of air quality in NCR during winter months

CAQM announces revision of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to further strengthen measures to combat sudden/ anticipated deterioration of air quality in NCR during winter months #CAQM #announces #revision…

Continue ReadingCAQM announces revision of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to further strengthen measures to combat sudden/ anticipated deterioration of air quality in NCR during winter months

CAQM reviews the preparedness of DISCOMS to ensure uninterrupted power supply in NCR, particularly for the ensuing winter months in the background of rise in air pollution during October – February to curtail dependence on Diesel Generator Sets (DG sets) for power generation in NCR

CAQM reviews the preparedness of DISCOMS to ensure uninterrupted power supply in NCR, particularly for the ensuing winter months in the background of rise in air pollution during October –…

Continue ReadingCAQM reviews the preparedness of DISCOMS to ensure uninterrupted power supply in NCR, particularly for the ensuing winter months in the background of rise in air pollution during October – February to curtail dependence on Diesel Generator Sets (DG sets) for power generation in NCR

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