CSIR- NIScPR, UBA, VIBHA, DSIR and Jawaharlal Nehru RajkeeyaMahavidyalaya, Port Blairjointly organized Two day Workshop cum Training on “Making Value Added Products Using CSIR Technologies in Andaman Region”

CSIR- NIScPR, UBA, VIBHA, DSIR and Jawaharlal Nehru RajkeeyaMahavidyalaya, Port Blairjointly organized Two day Workshop cum Training on “Making Value Added Products Using CSIR Technologies in Andaman Region” #CSIR #NIScPR…

Continue ReadingCSIR- NIScPR, UBA, VIBHA, DSIR and Jawaharlal Nehru RajkeeyaMahavidyalaya, Port Blairjointly organized Two day Workshop cum Training on “Making Value Added Products Using CSIR Technologies in Andaman Region”

Inauguration of Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” today at CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneshwar supported by DSIR under Ministry of Science and Technology

Inauguration of Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” today at CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneshwar supported by DSIR under Ministry of Science and Technology #Inauguration #Chintan #Shivir #CRTDHs…

Continue ReadingInauguration of Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” today at CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneshwar supported by DSIR under Ministry of Science and Technology

Third Chintan Shivir on “CRTDH Empowering MSMEs” in the area of Low-Cost Machining concluded after prolific discussions on challenges and opportunities for MSMEs at CRTDH-CMERI, Durgapur with support of DSIR

Third Chintan Shivir on “CRTDH Empowering MSMEs” in the area of Low-Cost Machining concluded after prolific discussions on challenges and opportunities for MSMEs at CRTDH-CMERI, Durgapur with support of DSIR…

Continue ReadingThird Chintan Shivir on “CRTDH Empowering MSMEs” in the area of Low-Cost Machining concluded after prolific discussions on challenges and opportunities for MSMEs at CRTDH-CMERI, Durgapur with support of DSIR

Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” will be inaugurated tomorrow at CRTDH-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur supported by DSIR

Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” will be inaugurated tomorrow at CRTDH-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur supported by DSIR #Chintan #Shivir #CRTDHs #Empowering #MSMEs #inaugurated #tomorrow #CRTDHCentral #Mechanical…

Continue ReadingChintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” will be inaugurated tomorrow at CRTDH-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur supported by DSIR

20th Atma Ram Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary DSIR and Director General, CSIR as part of 73rd Foundation Day Celebration of CSIR-CGCRI

20th Atma Ram Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary DSIR and Director General, CSIR as part of 73rd Foundation Day Celebration of CSIR-CGCRI #20th #Atma #Ram #Memorial #Lecture…

Continue Reading20th Atma Ram Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary DSIR and Director General, CSIR as part of 73rd Foundation Day Celebration of CSIR-CGCRI

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