Fourth G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting concludes in Mumbai
Fourth G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting concludes in Mumbai #Fourth #G20 #Global #Partnership #Financial #Inclusion #Meeting #concludes #Mumbai
Fourth G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting concludes in Mumbai #Fourth #G20 #Global #Partnership #Financial #Inclusion #Meeting #concludes #Mumbai
Endorsement of G20 Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains through DPI and G20 FIAP 2023 at the G20 Summit under Indian Presidency a pathbreaking achievement: Chanchal Sarkar,…
Fourth G20 Global Partnership For Financial Inclusion Meeting is scheduled to be held during 14 – 16 September 2023 in Mumbai #Fourth #G20 #Global #Partnership #Financial #Inclusion #Meeting #scheduled #held…
India-UK hold 12th Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD) in New Delhi #IndiaUK #hold #12th #Economic #Financial #Dialogue #EFD #Delhi
World Bank's G20 document praises India's financial inclusion via digital public infrastructure #World #Bank039s #G20 #document #praises #India039s #financial #inclusion #digital #public #infrastructure
Finance Minister calls for global cooperation and collaboration to build an inclusive, resilient and sustainable financial eco-system #Finance #Minister #calls #global #cooperation #collaboration #build #inclusive #resilient #sustainable #financial #ecosystem
Monthly Review of Accounts of Union Government of India upto the month of July, 2023 for the Financial Year 2023-24 #Monthly #Review #Accounts #Union #Government #India #upto #month #July #Financial…
RBI organises 3rd zonal level round of All-India Quiz on financial literacy in Delhi #RBI #organises #3rd #zonal #level #AllIndia #Quiz #financial #literacy #Delhi
With 1349 Crore term loan from a public Sector bank SECL achieves key financial milestone in PM-Gatishakti Rail Corridor Project in Chhatisgarh #Crore #term #loan #public #Sector #bank #SECL #achieves…
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) - National Mission for Financial Inclusion, completes nine years of successful implementation #Pradhan #Mantri #Jan #Dhan #Yojana #PMJDY #National #Mission #Financial #Inclusion #completes #years…