Wpi:थोक मुद्रास्फीति नवंबर महीने में आठ महीने के उच्चतम स्तर पर, 0.26% पर पहुंचा आंकड़ा – Wholesale Price Inflation Hits An 8-month High Of 0.26% In Nov

देश में थोक महंगाई कम हुई - फोटो : सोशल मीडिया विस्तार वाणिज्य मंत्रालय की ओर से 14 दिसंबर को जारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार, भारत की थोक मुद्रास्फीति मार्च 2023…

Continue ReadingWpi:थोक मुद्रास्फीति नवंबर महीने में आठ महीने के उच्चतम स्तर पर, 0.26% पर पहुंचा आंकड़ा – Wholesale Price Inflation Hits An 8-month High Of 0.26% In Nov

Annual rate of inflation based on all India Wholesale Price Index for August, 2023 stands at (-) 0.52% (Provisional) against (-) 1.36% recorded in July, 2023; negative rate of inflation primarily due to fall in prices of mineral oils, basic metals, chemical & chemical products, textiles and food products

Annual rate of inflation based on all India Wholesale Price Index for August, 2023 stands at (-) 0.52% (Provisional) against (-) 1.36% recorded in July, 2023; negative rate of inflation…

Continue ReadingAnnual rate of inflation based on all India Wholesale Price Index for August, 2023 stands at (-) 0.52% (Provisional) against (-) 1.36% recorded in July, 2023; negative rate of inflation primarily due to fall in prices of mineral oils, basic metals, chemical & chemical products, textiles and food products

Prime Minister takes the bold step of reducing the LPG cylinder price by Rs 200/ cylinder for all the LPG consumers (33 crore connections)

Prime Minister takes the bold step of reducing the LPG cylinder price by Rs 200/ cylinder for all the LPG consumers (33 crore connections) #Prime #Minister #takes #bold #step #reducing…

Continue ReadingPrime Minister takes the bold step of reducing the LPG cylinder price by Rs 200/ cylinder for all the LPG consumers (33 crore connections)

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