Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), unveiles the G20 Tourism and SDG Dashboard.

Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), unveiles the G20 Tourism and SDG Dashboard. #Ministry #Tourism #collaboration #United #Nations #World #Tourism #Organization #UNWTO #unveiles…

Continue ReadingMinistry of Tourism in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), unveiles the G20 Tourism and SDG Dashboard.

Distributed Renewable Energy can help achieve SDG 7 – access to affordable & sustainable energy for all: G20 Energy Transitions Working Group Side-event

Distributed Renewable Energy can help achieve SDG 7 – access to affordable & sustainable energy for all: G20 Energy Transitions Working Group Side-event #Distributed #Renewable #Energy #achieve #SDG #access #affordable…

Continue ReadingDistributed Renewable Energy can help achieve SDG 7 – access to affordable & sustainable energy for all: G20 Energy Transitions Working Group Side-event

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