SBI Apprentice 6160 vacancies: 6160 vacancies of apprentices for graduates in SBI, this is how the selection will be done, 15000 will be stipend| national News in Hindi

एसबीआई अपरेंटिस 6160 रिक्तियां: भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने 1 सितंबर से विभिन्न अपरेंटिस पदों के लिए आवेदन विंडो खोल दी है। विभिन्न अप्रेंटिस पदों पर 6160 रिक्तियां भरी जाएंगी। इच्छुक…

Continue ReadingSBI Apprentice 6160 vacancies: 6160 vacancies of apprentices for graduates in SBI, this is how the selection will be done, 15000 will be stipend| national News in Hindi

NESTS releases notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 6329 vacancies for the post of TGT and Hostel Warden.

NESTS releases notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 6329 vacancies for the post of TGT and Hostel Warden. #NESTS #releases #notification #EMRS #Staff #Selection #Exam…

Continue ReadingNESTS releases notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 6329 vacancies for the post of TGT and Hostel Warden.

NESTS issues notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 4062 vacancies for teaching and non-teaching staff

NESTS issues notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 4062 vacancies for teaching and non-teaching staff #NESTS #issues #notification #EMRS #Staff #Selection #Exam #ESSE #filling #vacancies…

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BCCI: BCCI invites applications for Men’s Cricket Team Selection Committee, Sehwag’s number may appear| sports News in Hindi

इंटरनेट डेस्क। भारतीय क्रिकेट कंट्रोल बोर्ड ने मेंस सीनियर क्रिकेट टीम सिलेक्शन कमेटी के सदस्य के लिए आवेदन मांगा है। आपको बता दें की ये पद पूर्व सिलेक्टर चेतन शर्मा…

Continue ReadingBCCI: BCCI invites applications for Men’s Cricket Team Selection Committee, Sehwag’s number may appear| sports News in Hindi

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