The United States and other countries may create a maritime task force in the Red Sea…
The United States and other countries may create a maritime task force in the Red Sea... #United #States #countries #create #maritime #task #force #Red #Sea..
The United States and other countries may create a maritime task force in the Red Sea... #United #States #countries #create #maritime #task #force #Red #Sea..
Ministry of Tourism participates in International Travel Exhibitions Asia, Singapore from 25 - 27 October 2023 #Ministry #Tourism #participates #International #Travel #Exhibitions #Asia #Singapore #October
Ministry of Tourism to host PATA Travel Mart 2023 in New Delhi from 4th October #Ministry #Tourism #host #PATA #Travel #Mart #Delhi #4th #October
Travel for LiFE for Cleanliness Campaign Launched in Convergence with Swachhata Hi Sewa Pakhwada to Mark World Tourism Day #Travel #LiFE #Cleanliness #Campaign #Launched #Convergence #Swachhata #Sewa #Pakhwada #Mark #World…
Ministry of Tourism, organised the Global Launch of ‘Travel for LiFE’ #Ministry #Tourism #organised #Global #Launch #Travel #LiFE
G20 leaders endorses Goa Roadmap and ‘Travel for LiFE’ program to provide big boost to tourism sector #G20 #leaders #endorses #Goa #Roadmap #Travel #LiFE #program #provide #big #boost #tourism #sector
Several measures taken to enhance ease of travel for passengers #measures #enhance #ease #travel #passengers
Enabling digitalization by setting up Online Medical Value Travel (MVT) Portal is one of key pillars of National Strategy and Roadmap for Medical and Wellness Tourism #Enabling #digitalization #setting #Online…
इंटरनेट डेस्क। मानसून की शुरूआत हो चुकी है और पूरे देश में इस समय बारिश हो रही है। इसके चलते मौसम भी बड़ा सुहाना सा है। ऐसे में आप भी…
इंटरेनट डेस्क। बारिश का मौसम चल रहा है और घूमने के लिहाज से ये मौसम बड़ा ही अच्छा होता है। ऐसे में आप भी घूमने जा रहे है तो आज…