UPSC CMSE Result 2023 Out, Check Details Here
The Union Public Service Commission, popularly known as UPSC has released the result of the Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) on its official website; The candidates who appeared in the examination can check their results through the website.
The Names and Roll Numbers of qualified applicants are listed in the UPSC CMS result 2023 PDF. The UPSC CMS 2023 test was delivered online on July 16, 2023. On the official website, applicants who took the UPSC CMS exam can determine their eligibility. Candidates who pass the computer-based exam will receive an invitation to the UPSC CMS interview/personality test phase. Based on the applicant’s performance in the Computer-Based Test, Interview, and Personality Test, the Union Public Service Commission will announce the CMS 2023 Final Results.

Steps to Check UPSC CMS Result 2023:
Step 1: Visit the UPSC official website;
Step 2: Click on the “Written Result” tab given on the homepage.
Step 3: Then Click on the “Examination Written Results” tab.
Step 4: Click on the “UPSC CMS Result 2023 link”.
Step 5: A PDF file will be opened.
Step 6: Using CTRL+F, check details in PDF- Name and Roll Number.
Step 7: Download the UPSC CMS Result PDF for future reference.
UPSC CMS Final Result 2023:
The UPSC CMS 2023 Final Results will be released in PDF format by the Commission. Results from the Written Exam, Interview, and Personality Test will be used to determine the Final UPSC CMS 2023 result. Candidates would be suggested for final selection if their scores meet or exceed the UPSC CMS cut-off marks.
Details Mentioned in Final UPSC CMS Result 2023:
- Roll number
- Candidates name
- Marks scored in written exam
- Score on the personality test
- Final marks
- Category
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